Religious Ed Volunteering


Our Sunday morning Religious Education classes are taught by members of our congregation.  Being in a classroom offers a way to be part of this ministry by giving their time, good work, and friendship.  In return you will deepen your understanding of being a Unitarian Universalist and will receive many blessings (and hugs) too.

Teachers, assistants, childcare providers and youth advisors are needed each year.  You can sign up for one class or as many as you would like to teach.

Volunteers also lead our OWL program. Specialized training is needed to be an OWL facilitator. Please talk with the Director of Religious Education for more details.

Our church Safe Congregation Policy requires that all volunteers who work with children and youth have a completed background check and a current Code of Ethics Form signed and on file in the Director of Religious Education’s office.

Teaching Roles


The Religious Education teacher is an important part of the teaching team, responsible for the preparation of weekly curriculum lesson.

  • Has a completed Code of Ethics Form and Background Check on file in the RE office
  • Arrives 15 minutes before church begins, to prepare and coordinate classroom plans with teaching assistant.
  • Picks up the Sunday Folder from DRE office.
  • Gathers all supplies needed from well-stocked RE supply shelves.
  • Guides the lesson and includes all the children and the teaching assistant.
  • Stays with the class until dismissal at 11:45am. Pre-k/K children stay in their classroom until they are picked up, all other classes are dismissed.
  • Fills out the Sunday School report each week they teach.
  • Returns Sunday Folder to DRE office.
  • Makes DRE aware of any issues, problems, concerns.
  • Is responsible for arranging for a substitute when unable to make scheduled date.
  • Is responsible for talking with the teacher whose teaching dates precede their own, to discuss what has been done so far and any issues that have arisen.
  • Contacts the Team Leader as needed.
  • In case of fire drill, teacher brings children and Sunday Folder to designated safe location, takes attendance again and keeps children there until a parent arrives.

Learn about Classroom logistics.

Teaching Assistant

The teaching assistant is also an important part of the teaching team, though NOT responsible for planning the lesson.

  • Has a completed Code of Ethics Form and Background Check on file in the RE office
  • Arrives 15 minutes before church begins, to touch base and coordinate classroom plans with the teacher that day.
  • Picks up matches from DRE office before class.
  • As the second adult in the room, helps facilitate the smooth running of the lesson.
  • Adds ideas, input, thoughts and experiences to discussions and projects.
  • Acts as one-on-one contact with a distressed or disruptive child so the teacher can continue the lesson.  This can be as simple as sitting next to a child, giving a smile or hug, or leaving the room with the child if necessary. Use your best judgment; you do not have to be instructed by the teacher.
  • Is available to give TLC to child who needs special attention.
  • Gives assistance with projects.
  • Is in charge of bringing in snack from the main room.
  • Helps with clean up of classroom.
  • Is responsible for arranging for a substitute when unable to make scheduled date.
  • Is encouraged to use the church camera and take photos of the days activities.

Learn about Classroom logistics.

Childcare Provider

The Religious Education nursery care provider is entrusted with the care of infants and toddlers of our congregation’s members, friends and visitors.

  • Has a completed Code of Ethics Form and Background Check forms on file in the RE office
  • Arrives 15 minutes before church begins to welcome children and parents
  • Picks up the Sunday Folder from DRE office
  • Takes Attendance
  • Is responsible to confirm all children have a completed Registration Form and Nursery Checklist on file in the nursery folder
  • If new child(ren), provide a Parent Letter to parent or guardian
  • Provides Snacks – make sure children’s food allergies are taken into consideration
  • Stays in the nursery until all children are picked up
  • Fills out the Sunday School report each week they are in the nursery
  • Clean up room and return all items used to their appropriate space
  • Returns Sunday Folder to DRE office
  • Makes DRE aware of any issues, problems, concerns
  • Is responsible for arranging for a substitute when unable to make scheduled date
  • Contacts the DRE as needed
  • In case of fire drill, brings children and Sunday Folder to designated safe location, takes attendance again and keeps children there until a parent arrives
    • If a Teen, complete and sign voucher for payment ($8/hr x 2hrs)

Learn about Nursery logistics.

Youth Group Advisor

The Religious Education youth group advisor  empower our youth to learn more about themselves, make connections with other like-minded youth, promote their spiritual growth, and connect with our community.

  • Has a completed Code of Ethics and Background Check forms on file in the RE office
  • Arrives 15 minutes before church begins, to prepare and coordinate plans with other advisor and/or youth
  • Picks up the Sunday Folder from DRE office
  • Works with youth and other advisors to gather all supplies needed from RE supply shelves/room
  • Work with youth and other advisors to determine a theme of study for the year
  • Work with youth to plan and implement annual church service
  • Stays with the youth until dismissal at 11:45am
  • Takes Attendance
  • Provides Snacks – make sure youth’s food allergies are taken into consideration
  • Fills out the Sunday School report each week
  • Returns Sunday Folder to DRE office
  • Makes DRE aware of any issues, problems, concerns
  • Is responsible for arranging for a substitute when unable to make scheduled date
  • Is responsible for talking with the teacher whose teaching dates precede their own, to discuss what has been done so far and any issues that have arisen.
  • Contacts the DRE as needed
  • In case of fire drill, one advisor goes to help nursery team while the other brings youth and Sunday Folder to designated safe location, takes attendance again and keeps them till the “all clear” sign is given or a parent picks them up

Learn about Classroom logistics.