Faith Development

In a caring atmosphere of acceptance, we learn together what it means to be Unitarian Universalists.

We teach our shared values and what it means to live as a Unitarian Universalist in this ever changing world. 

The ongoing process of faith development is a multi-generational community experience. We work together, modeling justice, integrity, and compassion, and the respect and concern we show for our interconnected world and all its inhabitants.

Faith Development Opportunities

We adapt our curricula from many sources including the UUA’s Tapestry of Faith. Children and youth join the congregation for the first part of the worship service, then may go downstairs for religious education classes. For the 2024-2025, our age specific classes (check the links below) meet two Sundays a month. On the remaining Sundays, we either attend worship or participate in a one room Living Our Values Every Day (L.O.V.E.D) for all children and youth. Check the This Sunday posts on our front page for details or the Church Calendar for an overview.



A nurturing childcare setting for infants to 3 years.

Spirit Play

A class for PreK to 1st grade

Lego ValUUes

An experiential class for 2nd to 4th graders.

Maker Space

A hands on class for 5th-7th graders

Our Whole Lives

Sexuality Education

Coming of Age

Begins November 2024

Youth Group

9th-12th Grade

RE News

  • For our final religious education session…

    Our religious education program is continuing…

    In religious education this Sunday, March…

    For the month of March, our…