Worship & Volunteers 2.19.17

The Ragged Figure Who Moves from Tree to Tree
Doug Rubio, Pulpit Guest

In Flannery O’Connor’s acclaimed first novel, Wise Blood, the main character struggles to escape from Christianity. Yet despite his often ludicrous efforts, his mind and soul are still haunted by a persistent image of Jesus, “a ragged figure who moves from tree to tree” motioning to him—a figure from whom he ultimately cannot escape. In this sermon Doug Rubio, an avowed atheist, will explore his own nagging thoughts that maybe God really does exist.

Greeters: Joan Kepes, Mary Michalek, Barbara & Pete Beekman
Worship Associate: Mark Berninghausen
RE Ambassador: Anna Sorensen
Social Hour: Andrea Ferro, Kelly Johnson-Eilola, Emmy Stevenson, David Nelson & Rebecca Pickens
Collection Counters: Tim Opdyke, Lorraine Olendzenski