Home is where we learn many of our values. Parents and caregivers are children’s primary religious educators. Explore more deeply one of our monthly Soul Matters Themes with activities, stories, songs and much more. The following links provide a fun, engaging ways to grow in faith together. Each page provides opportunities to share how you and those you love live our faith values.

Deep Listening
How can we be a people of deep listening?
Explore ways to foster this sense in your life.

How can we be a people of stillness?
Learn about stillness through mindfulness, stories, crafts and more!

Becoming a People of Imagination
An invitation to use your imagination as part of your faith development.

How are we a people of commitment.
Make a commitment to curiosity, change, conscience and compassion.

How can we be a people of becoming?
We can be a people of becoming by: Letting Go and Letting In; Finding Your True Self; Becoming People of the Earth; and Making Hopeful Predictions!