How will I know if I had the winning bid
Silent Auction item winners will be notified by GalaBid. Live Auctions winners will know when Todd’s gavel goes down!

How do I claim my item
Great questions and the answer depends on the item. 

  • Many items–plants, photographs, paintings, quilts, etc.–can be retrieved by contacting the person who donated the item. 
  • Food and experiences items need to be mutually arranged between the donor and the winning bidder. It is up to the winning bidder to initiate contact.  Contact information is available in our church directory.  (Check with the church office if you have forgotten the password.)
  • We will post a list of items–who won and who donated the item–after the auction.

How do I pay?

  • Cash – in the exact amount please, sent/brought to the church office.
  • Check – made out to UU Church of Canton, sent/brought to the church office, memo Auction/item name.
  • Venmo – memo Auction/item name.
  • The Donate button on the church website – use the Other Contribution tab, memo Auction/item name.

While we encourage you to pay the church directly using one of the methods above, you can also pay directly on the GalaBid site. NOTE that your total will include a GalaBid fee; you can opt out of the fee, but the how-to is in tiny print! Payments made via GalaBid will come to the church, less the additional fee.