We Want You To Stay Connected

These are challenging times for all of us. Our expectations of what the new church year might bring were dashed – and are constantly changing. Last week Church Council released an updated COVID Safety Plan and the UUA issued updated COVID Guidance based on vaccination rates and the spread of the Delta variant.

All of this means that, depending on your and your family’s vaccination status and comfort assembling in groups – indoors or outdoors – it might be some time before you are able to be together with our church family.
But we are all still here – and need each other more than ever. Maybe you are comfortable going for a walk or sitting in a friend’s backyard for a chat. Or it’s better for you to pick up the phone or write a note. Please, reach out to your church friends – the people you miss chatting with in the pews before church starts or in the social room over a cup of coffee after the service.

And don’t miss out on church news and information shared in email and social media!

Start with the September newsletter, with messages from our minister and religious education staff and activities to help you stay engaged. Don’t miss the fun photos on the last page that recall creative ways we’ve connected with one another over the last many months.

Be sure you’re on the email list to receive weekly news & information. If you’re not, email the church office to be added to the list. Then keep your eye on your inbox Wednesday evenings at 7 for all the church news that’s fit to print email!

Then don’t forget to check out the church website. Each week you’ll find details about worship and religions education plans for the coming Sunday and updates on planned activities. (We are in the process of upgrading the website, if anything is a little wonky, please contact Sara in the church office and she can help you out.)

AND THERE ARE OTHER WAYS… Even if you’re not a Facebook junkie, you can visit the church Facebook page for information and updates – and fun pictures of what’s going on in and out of church – like the one below of our first outdoor religious education activity under the new tent!

Want to really dive into social media? The church is on Instagram and YouTube. Be sure to like and follow us. We love it when our friends interact with us there, so don’t be shy – like, comment, and share away!   If you missed a sermon or you want to go back and listen again, you can find them on our website here or you can visit our YouTube channel to watch sermons, Family Chapel, stories, and more!