Unirondack Seeks Summer Program Support

Many members and friends of our congregation are very familiar with Unirondack, the UU camp located in Lowville. In addition to their usual programming, each summer Unirondack brings in a variety of outside resource people to deliver unique morning programs to campers. And they are looking for help!

If you have a skill or gift to share, check out the description below and contact Program Director Caleb Seguin to learn more.

Responsibilities of a resource person include:

  • Plans for five 90-minute sessions of original programming on ANY topic (possibilities are endless so think outside the box).
  • The program should have a coherent theme tying all of the days together, and there should be an objective to either help the campers learn something or complete a project.
  • Programming should be suitable for a group of about 60 campers with varying interests (so a variety of activities or a variety of ways to participate is ideal).

Resource people will be provided with:

  • Room and board for a week, including accommodation for family members or companions.
  • Full use of camp facilities for the duration of the week.
  • Full compensation for travel expenses.
  • A budget to cover the expense of programming supplies.
  • Access to full staff to aid in facilitation of program.
  • Access to all camp resources and facilities to aid in facilitation of program.

So basically, in exchange for running a morning program, you get a free week of summer camp for yourself and anyone you bring along with you!

Dates and groups for which program support is needed:

  • Parker 1 – July 22-28 (Ages 14-16)
    Parker 2 – July 29-Aug 4 (Ages 14-16)
    Ballou 1 – August 5-11 (Ages 16-18)

Please share this information with anyone you think might be interested.