Sunday Worship & Volunteers 9.15.19

Harvest Thanksgiving: Gardeners of the Spirit
The Revs. Anne Marsh & Wade Wheelock, Pulpit Guests

Our Ministers Emeriti reflect on some aspects of our UU faith. Wade and Anne served as our Co-Ministers for 16 years until their retirement in 2009. They now live in Northern New Mexico, where gardening is more challenging and faith is just as elusive.

This year’s Harvest Sunday will expand to include things that people have produced beyond fruits and vegetables. Please bring your surplus garden produce, preserved foods, and flower bulbs, as well as your prepared foods, poems, arts, and crafts and we will give thanks for what we have helped create!

Music: Betsy Kepes
Lay Leader: Ben Hunkins
RE Ambassador: Esther Katz
Greeters: Cliff & Janice Westerling, Louise Bixby
Social Hour Host: Sue Powers & Will Siegfried, Richard & Peggy Mooers
Collection Counters: Tim Opdyke, Lorraine Olendzenski