Sunday Worship & Volunteers 8.12.18

When Work and a Spiritual Journey Come Together
Dr. Nasser Malit, Pulpit Guest

This sermon will highlight my tumultuous spiritual journey and discuss some of my current work in human origins and variation as fitting aspects of my search for a spiritual high. Growing up in a rural Kenyan village where religion and traditional values conflicted, and as a transnational in America where racial divisions run amok, my talk will explore how I harmonize these conflicts and find peace. My work in human biological variations informs how I negotiate these racial tensions and seek a path towards unity in a divided world.

Dr. Nasser Malit, Ph.D., SUNY at Potsdam Anthropology Department.

Please join Dr. Malit in the Romer Room during social hour.

Music: Max Howard
Lay Leader: Jon Montan
RE Ambassador: Jeff Frank
Acting DRE: Jenn Whittaker
Greeter: Rajiv Narula, John & Bonnie Danis
Social Hour Host: Margaret Harloe, Volunteers Needed!
Collection Counters: Pat Gengo, Lorraine Olendzenski