Sunday Worship & Volunteers 7.9.17

Vee Abbitt, Pulpit Guest

Sometimes we feel the urge to return to the places we have been. What is it about “returning” that has a pull for us? Does the past that we yearn for always live up to the memories that we have? Let us explore.

Vee Abbitt, who is a candidate for the Unitarian Universalist ministry, is a seminarian at Meadville Lombard Theological School in Chicago, Illinois. She is also a member of the board of directors at Unirondack, the UU camp near Lowville, in the forever wild region of the Adirondacks. Vee comes from upstate New York, where she is a member of the UU Society of Schenectady. This fall, she will be a ministerial intern at the Unitarian Universalist Society of Greater Springfield in Massachusetts.

Social Hour Host: Margaret Harloe
Lay Leader: Doug Rubio
RE Ambassador: Sally Hoose
Collection Counters: Pat Gengo, Jon Montan