Sunday Worship & Volunteers 7.15.18

Melting the Spaces Between Us: When Them Becomes Us
Eileen Raymond, Pulpit Guest

What happens when we talk about others as “them”? Why do we need to become more conscious of the ways that the “othering” of others harms us all?

Eileen Raymond was raised as a Unitarian in Massachusetts and has been a member of the UU Church of Canton since 1992. Her career prior to retirement focused on special and inclusive education, in both public schools and university teacher education programs in the US and South Africa.

Music: Bethany Cencer
Worship Associate: Theresa Witmer
RE Ambassador & Acting DRE: Shelby Hunkins
Greeters: Esther Katz, Mark Berninghausen
Social Hour Hosts: Bill Hull, David Doran
Collection Counters: Jon Montan, Lorraine Olendzenski