Sunday Worship & Volunteers 7.14.19

Sacred Emergence: A Creation Story in Twelve Short Acts
Bill Vitek, Pulpit Guest

Bill will utilize a prose-poem format to explore the story of the Universe through the pathways of emergence, the sacred and secular, the history of agriculture, and our everyday experiences of renewal, recovery and reconciliation.

Click here to read this sermon.

Bill Vitek is a philosopher, musician, author and educator.  For thirty years he has collaborated with Wes Jackson–co-founder and President Emeritus of The Land Institute–on projects of mutual interest, including two co-edited books (Rooted in the Land and The Virtues of Ignorance) and, since 2011, an educational framework informed by perennial, regenerative agriculture. Bill is leaving a 32-year career at Clarkson University to continue this work as a Scholar in Residence at Middlebury College, and to direct the New Perennials Project for the Rockefeller Family Fund in Vermont’s Champlain Valley.

Music: Bethany Cencer
Lay Leader: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel
RE Ambassador:
Greeters: Volunteers Needed- Can you help?
Social Hour Host: Volunteers Needed- Can you help?
Collection Counters: Pat Gengo, Tim Opdyke