Sunday Worship & Volunteers 6.30.19

The Power of We: Reflections from General Assembly
The Rev. James Galasinski

The week before I will have been in Spokane, WA for General Assembly (GA), the annual meeting of the Unitarian Universalist Association. It is 5 days full of workshops, business meetings, and worship services, all of which deepen our faith and relationships with each other. I will share what I have learned after getting the pulse of our national movement.

We will also celebrate Flower Communion during this service, so please bring a flower with you on Sunday.

Music: Jill Rubio and Betsy Kepes
Worship Associate: Robin Collen
RE Ambassador: Jim Williams
Greeters: Katie & Ron Boczarski, Margaret Harloe, Bill Hull
Social Hour Host: Jim & Pam Boyle, Sara Hutcheson, Ethel Slocum
Collection Counters: Will Siegfried, Valerie Ingram