Sunday Worship & Volunteers 10.28.18

The Rev. James Galasinski and Carol Zimmerman, DRE

Every October millions of monarch butterflies congregate on trees in the hills of Mexico. This migration happens about the same time people celebrate Dia de los Muertos, Halloween, and Samhain. Join us as we explore how we are like butterflies and undergo metamorphoses in our lives. The whole congregation is invited to this intergenerational service.

Music: Bethany Cencer, Organ
Worship Associate: Jon Montan
RE Ambassador: Ron Tavernier
Greeters: Sheila Cerwonka, Janet Green, Pete & Kathy Wyckoff
Social Hour Host: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel & Ryan Hicks, Morolake Odetoyinbo & Kara McLuckie
Collection Counters: Lonie Bogett, Will Siegfried