Sunday Worship 9.12.21

The Soft and Supple Will Prevail: Ingathering
The Rev. James Galasinski and Carol Zimmerman, DRE

The Tao Te Ching speaks of plants being pliant when they are alive and dry and brittle when they are dead. There is a way of being flexible to the times, a softer path even amidst the uncertainty of the pandemic.

The first Sunday after Labor Day marks the beginning of the new church year for Unitarian Universalist congregations around the country. It is celebrated with a special multi-generational worship service called Ingathering, and it normally includes a water ceremony. We come together to recognize our returning home to the church community that holds us; our collective hope; and our excitement for the new church year. We invite you to join us this Sunday, September 12 for this year’s Ingathering. Whether you’re joining us online or in person, please bring a small amount of water with you to this service. If you will be joining us virtually, please have a houseplant nearby.

Sunday worship is now offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here. We now require proof of vaccination for everyone (12 years and older) attending in person worship. Masks and social distancing are required, and attendance will be limited to 50 family units.