Sunday Worship 5.14.23

Who Do You Think You Are?
Dave Nelson, Pulpit Guest

May is Mental Health Awareness month and our own Dave Nelson explores the availability of resources for treatment, providing hope and encouragement for everyone. He also considers with humor the impact of illness on self-perception, self-awareness (who we think we are) and challenges how this might keep those in need from seeking treatment. Drawing parallels between therapy/counseling and the practice of UU spirituality, watch for references of the first and third principles, celebrating the inherent worth and dignity of each being and encouraging justice, equity and compassion in all interactions.

Order of Service


Zoom Link

Our Social Hour Hosts this Sunday are:

  • Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel
  • Maria Dickinson
  • Emily Dixon
  • Linda Kenny

Our Greeters this Sunday are:

  • Erika Barthelmess & Natalie Panshin
  • Sara Hutcheson
  • Peter Brouwer

Sunday worship is being offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom this Sunday. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here. Read our Covid Safety Plan here.