Myth and History
The Rev. Dave Weissbard
On January 16 we celebrate the anniversary of the birth of Martin Luther King, Jr. It has been suggested that one of the roots of the controversial Critical Race Theory (CRT) is Dr. King’s realization that the roots of racism were deeper than most Americans recognized. He said “The value in pulling racism out of its obscurity and stripping it of its rationalizations lies in the confidence that it can be changed.” In celebration of his birth, we will be looking at what CRT is and isn’t and why so many are upset by it.
The Rev. Dave Weissbard was born into and raised in the First Unitarian Society in Albany. He was the final graduate of the Theological School at St. Lawrence. [Last name in the last graduating class.] He served UU congregations in Bedford, MA, Fairfax, VA, and Rockford, IL [the latter for 27 years], before returning to Canton in 2006. He is only mostly retired, preaching monthly in Central Square [as Max Coots did for many years] and in Watertown, as well as occasionally in other area churches. He was last in our pulpit 4 years ago.
Sunday worship is now offered in dual platform, taking place in person and via Zoom. Instructions to participate via Zoom can be found here. Anyone (12 and older) attending in person must show proof of vaccination. Read our Covid Safety Plan here.