Summer Worship Series: Our Own Voices

The Worship Team in collaboration with Church Council and Religious Education is excited to bring you a special summer worship series. Thanks to everyone who completed the survey and provided feedback!  

We are working out the details for some of the specific services, but the schedule of Sundays outlines the service format you can expect on each Sunday. Please note that we decided against organizing an outdoor service this summer.

Here are brief descriptions of the different summer worship formats:

  1. Coffee and Conversation: On these Sundays, you will have the opportunity to talk with other community members about topics important to our congregation. Coffee and conversation will take place in the Romer and Community Rooms, but individuals will be able to participate via Zoom, too. And of course, there will be coffee – and tea, juice, and goodies!
  2. Informal Services: These services will take place in the sanctuary, and you will be able to join the service through Zoom like our regular Sunday services. These services will have a bit less liturgy and a bit more interaction and music.  
  3. Interactive Events: For the first and last Sundays of the summer series, Carol Zimmerman, Director of Religious Education, will lead us on a spiritual adventure appropriate for everyone from toddlers to elders.