September 2015

Ministerial Search Committee Seeks Input

As we proceed with the search for a settled minister, a critical step in the process is determining who we wish to be as a church community and what traits we would like to see in a minister. You should have by now received a letter inviting you to participate in what are calling “Cottage Meetings,” at which we will receive your input. You may sign up for these at church or indicate your availability to attend using an online scheduler.

The Search Committee has attempted to make the date and time choices and locations of these cottage meetings as convenient as possible for as many as possible. As a complement to the meetings, we will later administer a survey with some specific questions. The results of your participation will characterize who we are and will be summarized in the packet that we send to prospective ministerial candidates. I think you can well appreciate how important this step is in attracting candidates who are most likely to be the best fit for our church community! Search Committee members are hoping for strong participation in the cottage meetings and the survey.

And Don’t Miss This!

Jason Smith of Syracuse will be giving a presentation on compensation as it applies to our Settled Minister search on Sunday, September 20, after our service. Jason’s official title is UUA Compensation Consultant, and he will be answering questions about how congregations approach ministerial compensation and what we might expect in our current search. This is open to the entire congregation, and ALL are encouraged to attend. Compensation affects all of us, from its role in our search for a settled minister to its impact on our budget. Come listen to Jason, ask questions, and be informed. Please be sure to sign up for a Cottage Meeting at church or on the Doodle scheduler.