Search Committee Update – February 2016

The Search Packets – Ours and Theirs

searchupdateOur “packet” for ministers-in-search is now fully online at (If you need the password to view those “protected” sections, just ask. You can contact us at

It will also be posted on the Search Committee bulletin board in the social room.

The UUA sent us a list of ministers who were interested in us; we studied their packets (also online), and from that study we selected a list of ministers we wanted to interview. It’s been another labor-intensive stretch for us; those ministerial packets contain links to the ministers’ sermons, letters of recommendation, and lots and lots of information about their backgrounds, theology, experiences, etc.

The Process Next Step: Interviewing the “Explorers”

Jon came up with the term “explorers” to describe our interviewees, which seems better than calling them “pre-pre-candidates.” We had a series of Skype interviews with those explorers; Kim arranged for a wonderful meeting room in SUNY Potsdam’s new Performing Arts Center. If you’re not familiar with Skype, it’s an online application that allows the people talking to see each other, so it has great advantages over a phone call. Using a computer and a camera, the person we’re talking to can see all of the committee at once. Erika made us huge name tags that sat on the table in front of each of us, which we understand was a great help to the ministers we were interviewing.

We asked each explorer the same set of questions. They asked us questions, based on what they’ve learned about us from our congregational record and our packet. We also had several “explorer-specific” questions, which helped us to clarify or delve further into information from their packet. This part was also labor-intensive, but very exciting for all of us. I think each of us is feeling the privilege you’ve bestowed on us to represent you in this important process.


Following those calls, we decided which of the explorers we’d like to invite. Those four ministers then become “pre-candidates.” Jenn and Rajiv have begun a series of calls to references. Pre-candidates will travel to this area and have a number of meals and meetings with the Search Committee. (Pete is keeping a close watch on our budget to ensure we don’t overspend!) We’ll then all travel to the “neutral pulpit” and hear them give the Sunday sermon. Pre-candidating will start in early February and continues into March. At the end of pre-candidating, if we have found “the right fit,” we’ll have a candidate!

We could use some help from a few volunteers during these visits. For the sake of confidentiality (see below), we’ll be meeting in one of our homes. We would be very appreciative of offers to help prepare and deliver Friday dinners and Saturday lunches. Carol Pynchon has agreed to organize meal preparers and deliverers for us. Please contact her if you can help.

Communication and Confidentiality

As promised, the results of the Cottage Meetings and the Congregational Survey are now available online! There is too much information to put into this newsletter: go to the packet at; scroll down and under Our Congregation, click on “Survey and Cottage Meetings.” Remember, you’ll need the password, which you can get from any of us, by sending an email to the search address, or from our bulletin board. In addition to lots of data, Erika has created a video walk-through of the survey that our explorers have found helpful. We encourage our congregation members to check it out!

We still want to hear from you. Ask us questions and give us your thoughts. We’ve been so honored to have your support in this and that support has continued into your respectful treatment of the few (but important) parts that we must keep confidential. Thank you so much for that. The tight lid we keep on is primarily for the protection of the ministers in search. As in many types of job search, the current employers don’t always know that their employee is looking for a new position!

The Search Process Goes On!

So that’s where things stand! To see the entire Search Process, which began in November 2014, click here.
Please contact the Search Committee at our church email address: if you have questions.

Jon Montan (chair), Erika Barthelmess, Kim Bouchard, Rajiv Narula, Jenn Whittaker, Theresa Witmer, Pete Wyckoff

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