SASO Supports Unirondack

On Sunday, February 2, the Social Action Shared Offering will go toward camperships at Unirondack.

Since 1951 Camp Unirondack has served as a summer UU religious education experience for young and old alike. Located in the Adirondacks, just east of Lowville, the camp offers opportunities for young folks 9 and up to experience adult-led programming and daily excursions into the surrounds of peaceful Beaver Lake. Unirondack encourages education through experience and places high value on inclusion of all and recognition of individual needs. Click here to see their most recent brochure.

Camperships help send youth from all over New York State, who would otherwise not be able to pay the fee, for a week or two to Unirondack, . Many of our Canton young people have enjoyed this positive summer experience; more information can be provided for any one from our church who might like to go. Our shared offering is a generous gesture towards providing a camp memory to a deserving and interested youth.