As we enter May, the RE Committee and I are in the midst of planning for the 2016-2017 education year. As I have mentioned in past articles, we are looking at theme-based religious education programming, UU jam models, and service learning for engaging our children and youth in religious education. Beginning May 1, we will be recruiting nursery care providers, teachers, assistants, and youth group advisors. According to Tracey L. Hurd, Ph.D., psychologist, writer, and former UUA Lifespan Faith Development staff, “one of the best ways to affirm our ministry with children and youth is to illuminate the complex and wonderful ways that teaching in a religious education program is a faith-development experience for those teaching. Working with children and youth, teacher-leader-facilitators grow in faith and in community.”

I have heard from many volunteers that the gifts and knowledge they gain through volunteering truly deepen their faith and UU values. Our volunteers spend five or six Sundays over the course of the year with our children and youth. We utilize UUA-developed curricula to support volunteers in teaching age- appropriate lessons. There are always two adults in each classroom and most classes have five to seven children or youth. Our religious education program is deeply valued; the RE Committee and I hope you will consider growing your faith by becoming or continuing to be part of the religious education program.

Carol Zimmerman, Director of Religious Education

 RE Sundae!

I scream, you scream, we all scream for ice cream! Join the Religious Education Committee during social hour on Sunday, May 1, to make your own sundae and get information about the 2016-2017 religious education program.

  • Take time to look at next year’s curriculum, and talk to RE Committee members and staff about how you can get involved.
  • Sign up to help with the RE program. We need teachers, assistant teachers, childcare providers, and youth group leaders. Or share a skill or idea beyond these jobs.
  • If you won’t be there to sign up, contact Carol Zimmerman at church.
Have fun with congregational interviews with 2nd to 4th graders during Social Hour!