Religious Education 5.19.24

Join us this Sunday, May 19 in religious education for childcare, a story, Lego fun, sexuality education and worship preparation.

Our nursery for newborns to 3 years will be open and staffed beginning at 10:15am.

In Spirit Play for 4 years to 1st grade, we will hear the story ‘Hey Little Ant.” a violet principle story where we value the interdependence with nature.  A young boy and a brave ant talk about why the ant’s life might be important. 

In Faith Space for 2nd-6th grade, we will celebrating discussing the importance of siding with love and justice for the LGBTQIA+ community. We will create Lego pride flags!

In OWL for 7-8th grade, we will build resiliency by helping youth put pornography into context and by limiting its potentially negative effects on their self esteem, sexual behavior and relationships.

In Youth Group for 9th-12th grade, we will continuing planning for the RE Sunday worship service.