Religious Education 10.6.24

We are excited for this Sunday, October 6! In each classroom, we will be exploring the shared value of Interdependence. We honor the interdependent web of all existence and acknowledge our place in it.

Our nursery for infants to 3 years will be open and staffed at 10:15am.

In Spirit Play for 4 years to 1st grade, children will be oriented to the classroom. A reminder to parents and guardians, your child needs to be picked up from this class.

In Lego ValUUEs for 2nd-4th grade, we will explore how every living creature is part of the web of life and has an important role to play.

In MakerSpace for 5th-7th grade, we will be determining projects we want to work on for the year and identifying their connection to our shared UU values.

In Youth Group for 8th-12th grade, we will be welcoming new members and determining how we want to live our shared UU values throughout the year.