Summer has a magical quality! For some, it’s a time for bare feet to connect to the energy of the earth and souls to be fed by the sun’s energy. For others, it’s a time to connect with family and friends around a barbeque or during that yearly family reunion visit. Summer magic can also be found in the growth of flowers and trees, the birth of animals, or the sheer abundance that is felt throughout the natural world. In religious education this summer, we will be creating some magic of our own. During Sunday RE classes from July 10 through August 14, we will be entering the magical world of Harry Potter and Hogwarts. We will experiment with potions, play quidditch and send owl posts to our family and friends. Please join us for some magical moments. If you won’t be joining us for summer RE, may you find some summer magic and may it help your spirit grow.

Carol Zimmerman, Director of Religious Education

What’s Coming Up in July and August in Religious Education?

Sunday, July 3 – Summer Fun Day

Sundays, July 10-August 14 – Summer at Hogwarts

Sundays, August 21 & 28 – Summer Fun Days

Saturday, August 27 – RE Committee Retreat at Carol’s Home