December 2015

Many, many thanks to the 153 people who responded to the survey! The data are already being put to use.

We are putting the finishing touches on our Congregational Record, which is the very first thing prospective ministers see about us. It is the document ministers use to decide whether they want to request further information about us. It contains data about our church and community, including demographics, historical and financial information, and specific questions that we answered using congregational feedback from the Cottage Meetings and the Survey.

Our Congregational Record has had its first review by our Ministerial Settlement Representative, Rev. Craig Schwalenberg. Craig, the UU minister in Oneonta, NY, represents the UU Transitions Office, which oversees our ministerial search as well as all other UU ministerial searches.

Both Craig and Joel have given us excellent feedback about our Congregational Record. We’re revising and then will send it back to both of them for another look. When Craig feels we have the strongest-possible document, the Transitions Office gets our Congregational Record and, after their office approves it, on November 30, our Congregational Record “goes live” on their site, accessible only to ministers in search.

Beyond Categorical Thinking Service & Workshop

If you were in church on a recent Sunday you heard Joel admit that he spent a “lot of political capital” to get the head of the Transitions Office, Rev. Keith Kron, to lead our Beyond Categorical Thinking workshop.

What does this mean for you, for all of us? The individual who knows most about ministers and churches in search this year will be at our church, preaching to and working with us! Let’s embrace this opportunity to learn more about ourselves and to show ourselves off to the Transitions Office as the involved, caring congregation that we are!  Let’s have a great turnout!

What is Beyond Categorical Thinking?

BCT is a program designed to promote inclusive thinking and help prevent unfair discrimination in the search process for a new minister. Try this: close your eyes and imagine a minister. Was it a person of a particular gender, race, or age? Without becoming aware of our preconceptions and biases, we could potentially overlook the person who would be the best match for us. Ultimately, the church membership will vote to approve the called minister. That is why it is important for as many as possible to participate in the BCT workshop.

Schedule for Sunday, December 6

10:30 a.m. – Beyond Categorical Thinking–The Van Gogh Café, Keith Kron, Director of the UUA’s Transitions Department

11:45 a.m. – Lunch for all, provided by Church Council

12:15 to 3:15 p.m. – Beyond Categorical Thinking Workshop, led by Keith Kron

Please contact any member of the Search Committee if you have questions or comments. Our email address is

Jon Montan (chair), Erika Barthelmess, Kim Bouchard, Rajiv Narula,
Jenn Whittaker, Theresa Witmer, Pete Wyckoff