October 2015

We’re in the midst of 17 Cottage Meetings, during which many of you are giving us valuable input on what you’d like to see in a new minister! 15 of the meetings have been open to everyone, one meeting is for our Church Staff, and the final meeting is for members of the Youth Group.

In October, we’ll be asking for your help in filling out a SURVEY, either online or on paper – your choice! The survey will give us additional data, with some questions serving as follow-ups to what you’ve told us in the Cottage Meetings.

The Sunday, October 25th service will be centered on the Ministerial Search, so be sure to come and learn more!

Continue to check out our Bulletin Board and big “timeline” in the Social Room. There is a suggestion box and forms for you to write us a question, comment, or suggestion. Handouts in the Bulletin Board’s document box include a list of all our names, roles, phone numbers, and email addresses. In addition, you can contact the Search Committee at our new church email address: search@uucantonny.org