No Religious Education 12.25.22

Happy Holidays! There will be no religious education this Sunday, December 25. We will resume classes on Sunday, January 8.

Check out this fun idea! A “Sparkle Walk” Family Tradition
“In one of the vignettes in this book Henry and Mudge and Henry’s parents go on a moonlit snowy walk. When they get home they share their wishes. This is a tradition we adopted. Each December as we countdown to Christmas we do a family activity each day. One of these is a “Sparkle Days Walk”. We read “Sparkle Days” then bundle up, take a nice snowy evening walk (we live in Idaho) in silence and personal thought, and when we get home we listen to the Christmas song “Grown-up Christmas List” and share the grown-up Christmas wish we thought of while we walked.” – Idea from an Amazon review by Dr. Alan Holyoak, used with permission.
Your family is invited to create your own “Sparkle Walk” tradition. It may be anything you wish. The reviewer above read the story, then spent time on a walk observing the stars to seek the wonder of the season. They returned home, shared the song and shared their wishes. You can try the same tradition, or make it your own.
Story Read Aloud Video:
(watch the third story “Firelight” min. 5:50 – 7:23 about the walk)
Music: “My Grown-Up Christmas Wish”