Navigating the Spiritual Journey 6.13.24

Navigating the Spiritual Journey Workshop

Thursday, June 13, 7-9 p.m. in the Social Room

Embarking on a spiritual journey is a deeply personal pursuit that prompts one to investigate the world to gain insight into one’s self, one’s life, and the meaning of it all. The two-hour workshop led by Rev. James Galasinski will explore what spirituality is and engage participants in activities and conversations about beliefs, morals, values, and personal spiritual experiences.

During the workshop participants will map their own journeys and begin to define what a spiritual practice is and frameworks for thinking about spirituality. There will be small group discussions about how each person thinks about ethics and morality as well as discussions about how humans connect with each other and that which is greater than oneself.

The workshop will promote personal reflection about how spirituality manifests in various forms within us whether through religion, meditation, nature, or holistic healing traditions. Participants will be invited to create their own awe-inspiring journey of truth and discovery and will depart with an understanding of the spiritual practices that nurture them and a personal road map to consider possible directions to be taken on a near future spiritual journey. 

Visit our Facebook event for more Information.