Our minister, the Reverend James Galasinski, will be taking sabbatical from January 1 through May 31, 2022. This is a wonderful opportunity for rejuvenation and growth for our minister and our congregation. In the weeks and months ahead updates and information will be shared, but for now – here’s what you need to know.
Sabbaticals: What & Why?
By agreement between minister and congregation, a paid sabbatical is offered with one month of leave accruing for each year of service. Rev. James is in his sixth year of ministry with our congregation. His initial sabbatical plans were delayed because of the pandemic; Church Council voted in January 2021 to approve the 2022 sabbatical leave. Sabbatical planning is included in our budget every year in anticipation of agreed-upon sabbaticals.
As Rev. James notes, “The root of the word sabbatical means ‘rest,’ so one purpose of a sabbatical is to cease regular ministry and engage in the spiritual practices that will bring peace.” But a minister’s sabbatical is not a vacation. Rather, it is a time of working differently, with a changed focus and perspective, and with time for study, contemplation, and integration. It is an opportunity for renewal and for personal and professional growth.
According to the agreement, “The Minister shall use sabbatical leave for study, education, writing, meditation, and other forms of professional and religious growth.” Rev. James plans to travel to a ministers’ conference in San Diego and will also visit Cape Cod and Concord, Massachusetts. He will be in town during some of his sabbatical; you are likely to see him around town, but he will not be conducting “church business” or pastoral care. He plans to focus on his writing, especially poetry and meditations, and hopes to have enough material to submit to Skinner House’s inSpirit series.
Our minister’s sabbatical period also offers the congregation a time of changed perspective. It is a chance to try out new ideas, to develop lay leadership and shared ministry, to deepen involvement, and to re-examine needs and expectations.
How Will It Work: Who is Doing What?
We will all work together to maintain our growing, caring, worshipping, learning community; our staff, Church Council, and committees will continue the important work they do to keep our church doors open, pews filled, and activities thriving.
A Sabbatical Team has been working with Rev. James to ensure thorough planning, a smooth transition, and a successful sabbatical. The Sabbatical Team is Jon Montan, Valerie Ingram, Kathy Wyckoff, Sara Trimm, and Carol Zimmerman.
Communications and Administration: During the sabbatical, Congregational Administrator Sara Trimm and Church Council President Jenn Whitaker will be the point people. They will communicate regularly with the congregation and with Rev. James if it is necessary.
Sara will direct questions/concerns to the Council President, Vice President, Treasurer, or Secretary as needed; she will also continue to schedule room and meeting space use. Jenn will be “chief of staff”; any staffing issues arising during the minister’s absence can be addressed by her and Ruth Baltus, chair of the Personnel Committee. Area-specific contacts/committee chairs are provided below.
Sunday Worship: We will continue to meet in a dual platform with an impressive and exciting list of pulpit guests. The Rev. Christine Robinson, retired senior minister of the First Unitarian Church of Albuquerque, New Mexico, will preach virtually on the second Sunday of each month. Local clergy, including St. Lawrence University’s chaplain, the Rev. Dr. Shaun Whitehead, will be our guests periodically. The Revs. Anne Marsh and Wade Wheelock, our ministers emeriti, will be here to preach in person three Sundays in the spring. And we will welcome excellent lay leaders and friends of the congregation to our pulpit.
Rites of Passage: Please contact Congregational Administrator Sara Trimm about any rites of passage during the sabbatical period. The Rev. Nicoline Guerrier from the UU Fellowship of Plattsburgh will be available to perform memorial services; while neither Rev. James nor Rev. Guerrier will perform weddings, the church is available.
Pastoral Care: Our ability to care for one another has always been our strength, and our Pastoral Care Team will continue to provide this ministry during the sabbatical. Director of Religious Education, Carol Zimmerman will connect anyone requiring attention with a member of PCT. (Learn more about the Pastoral Care Team here.)
Caring Circle: For many years, members of the Caring Circle have stepped up to provide support for fellow congregants during times of transition or illness with meals, rides, and other expressions of love and care. This will continue uninterrupted during James’s sabbatical. (Learn more about the Caring Circle here.)
Religious Education: Carol Zimmerman, our Director of Religious Education, will maintain our robust religious education programming and will provide worship support for the Time for All Ages.
Music: Betsy Kepes, as Music Coordinator, will schedule music and musicians.
Contact information for people listed above:
Sabbatical Contact List