MAY SASO: Plattsburgh Cares 5.13.18

Plattsburgh Cares is a coalition that strives to meet the needs of immigrants with respect and dignity. So far, the organization has provided housing, food, healthcare, and legal assistance to individuals and families from countries like Syria, Turkey, Egypt and Pakistan. They are in the US legally and hoping to declare refugee status in Canada because their relief status in the US is set to expire.

More recently, their mission has broadened its focus to include more support for all vulnerable people in the Plattsburgh area. Their goal is to join forces with local interfaith, campus, and community groups to foster open communication and actions that support the students and local residents who feel hurt, frightened, and threatened by the hate-filled actions of a few.

The collection on Sunday, May 13 will support this important work. Kathy Sajor from Plattsburgh Cares will show a short video presentation and answer questions in the Romer room during social hour that same day.

If you cannot attend on Sunday, May 13, you can mail a check to the office. As always, please remember to memo your check “SASO”.