LGBTQ Musical Written by Former UU Canton Youth

We received the following note from Eileen Jarrett, who attended our church with her husband Adam and their children for several years before moving out of the area. Eileen writes:

I thought you might be interested in knowing about a new LGBTQ musical called Normativity that Jaime wrote and which is going to be a part of the New York Musical Festival this July in NYC.

The website for the show is and you can see highlights from last summer’s production. If you go to the the UU crowdfunding website called Faithify, you can see a video of Jaime explaining what the show is about. This is the first LGBTQ project ever to be posted there!

We’re hoping to raise $5,000 on Faithify (which is just a small portion of the total $65,000 budget). So since Jaime spent five years of their childhood at the UU church in Canton, we thought perhaps some of the people from church might be willing to make a small donation to the cause! Even $5 or $10 will help. We are also reaching out to the local congregations down here and a few others across the country. You won’t see many funders from our own congregation because they have provided a grant and we also had a fundraiser here that about 80 of our congregants attended.

Please share the link with anyone you think this show would resonate with.

Auditions for the show recently ended and they have their cast which is gender diverse and includes two transgender people, and it is racially diverse as well. All of those RE lessons on Sundays are coming to fruition!

Jaime and Dylan would love to have your support for the show!

Thanks so much,
