Our Social Action Shared Offering (SASO) on Sunday, January 24, will be received for the St. Lawrence Valley chapter of the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI). NAMI is dedicated to education, advocacy, and support for individuals with mental illness, their friends and families. Our local NAMI chapter was started in the 1980s by several families whose children were hospitalized at the St. Lawrence Psychiatric Center. Incorporated in 1992, it now holds monthly meetings to support families coping with mental illness and organizes social events and workshops for those with mental illness. NAMI also advocates for improved local services for persons with mental illness.
Checks for the SASO should be made out to the church and memoed NAMI or Jan SASO. If you won’t be in church on the 24th but wish to support this shared offering, please send your check to the church office.