In Religious Education This Sunday 3.20.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about doing our best, providing a mini worship service, reflecting on resiliency, learning about Amish faith traditions and continuing to identify “What is community?”.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Arthur Freeheart and Emma Bentley-Hicks.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Hey Little Ant”, a conversation between a boy and an ant about doing our best.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier, Eileen Wheeler

Signs of Our Faith will be preparing and providing a mini worship service for the youth group.  Details about this session

Teachers: Esther Oey, Kate Whitehorne

Toolbox of Faith will reflecting on how we can use our faith to help us bounce back from hard times. The tool for this week is the hard hat. Details about this session

Teachers: Lorraine Olendzenski, Kelly Johnson-Eilola

Building Bridges will be hosting a guest speaker, Karen Johnson-Weiner, via Skype to learn about the culture and faith of our Amish neighbors.

Teachers: Rhonda Rodriguez, Geetika Narula

Youth Group will be participating in a mini-worship service provided by the 2nd-4th grade class and will continue their discussion on attending Rochester Youth Con, goodbye tribute to Nelly and more.

Advisors: Wendy Bachhuber, Richard Cook