In Religious Education This Sunday 2.28.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing a story about character and preventing bullying, introduces to the components of worship, attending the worship service, hosting a guest who will share thoughts about Islam and providing a worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Wil Rivers.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Emily Dixon and Barb Beekman.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Butterfly Friends”, a German folktale that teaches our 2nd principle, offer fair and kind treatment.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier, Amy McFarland

Signs of Our Faith will be introduced to worship. They will learn some components of a UU worship service and prepare for being involved in the March 6th multi-generational Service. Details about this session

Teachers: Eshter Oey, Becky VanDeWater

Toolbox of Faith will be attending the Youth Group Worship Service.

Building Bridges will hosting a guest. Ali and Yasmeen Zaidi will be sharing their thoughts and views of Islam.

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme, Geetika Narula

Youth Group will be providing the worship service this Sunday. They will need to arrive at church at 9:30am to make final preparations.