In Religious Education This Sunday 11.6.16

In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be hearing a story about a brave princess, telling stories, hiking, connecting to a greater presence and debating politics.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Nursery will be open and staffed by  Anna Dickinson and Jean Williams-Bergen .

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “The Paperbag Princess.” A story of a brave princess, a prince and a fiery dragon.

Teachers: Wil Rivers and Maria Dickinson

Our Caring Community will be telling and hearing stories about each other.  By sharing our stories it creates a connection between us.

Teachers: Esther Oey and Kate Whitehorne

Maker Space will be hiking the Kip Trail near the Little River.  We will be departing the church immediately at 10:30am.  Please come prepared to be outside and to get muddy.

Teachers: Heather Rousell and Miles Manchester

Coming of Age will be participating in their first retreat – “Connecting to a Greater Presence”.  We will be choosing mentors, learning tai chi, and discussing prayer. Parents will be participating in the first 2 hours of the program.

Teachers: Rhonda Rodriguez, Relani Prudhomme, Julie VanDuyne, Arthur Freeheart and Pat Glover

Youth Group will view some of the presidential debate clips and discuss how they might have a conversation with someone who has a different viewpoint.

Advisors: Desiree LeBoeuf