In Religious Education This Sunday 10.23.16

In religious education this Sunday our children and youth will be learning about our yellow principle,learn about a tradition in Rosh Hashanah called Tashlich, going on a hike to Heritage Park, understand what makes UUism a unified religion despite its diversity, continue building the youth community.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Anna Sorensen.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Katherine Brown and Jean Williams-Bergen.

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “The Rooster Who Learned to Crow.” The story of a farm where everyone was always late until one day a rooster arrived.

Teachers: Evelyn Barton and Lois Cutter

Our Caring Community will be celebrating the tradition of Tashlich, a ceremony in which Jews go to a body of water to cast away their sins by symbolically tossing bread into the water.

Teachers: Anna Sorensen and Kate Whitehorne

Maker Space will be taking a walk around the Grasse River Heritage Trail.  Please come prepared to be outside (warm clothes and footwear for wet, muddy trails).  Also bring a camera.  We will depart the church promptly at 10:30am and return by 11:45am.

Teachers: Sally Hoose and Miles Manchester

Coming of Age will be looking at Unitarian Universalism and its diversity along with their beliefs and how it fits within the UU framework and tradition.

Teachers: Relani Prudhomme and Will Siegfried

Youth Group will looking at UU curriculum to determine if they would like to participate in one or more of them throughout the year.

Advisors: Leo Burger and Desiree LeBoeuf