Religious Education 1.8.17

In religious education this week, our youth and children will hearing a story about sacred spaces, exploring being personally prophetic, adding content to a webpage, creating UU elevator speeches and creating care packages.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Jenn Whittaker.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Grace Rousell and Katie Boczarski.

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “A House for God”, about finding sacred spaces especially in community.

Teachers: Evelyn Barton and Maria Dickinson

Our Caring Community will be exploring how resolutions can help you believe in yourself and make the world a better place.  They will hear a story and make wishing trees.

Teachers: Sue Powers and Kate Whitehorne

Maker Space will be adding content to their website page.  Class members should plan to bring their computers, phones and other devices.

Teachers: Jim Williams and Carol Pynchon

Coming of Age will be planning for their first fundraising luncheon as well as boosting their confidence in discussing Unitarian Universalism with their non-UU peers.

Teachers: Karen Bage and Arthur Freeheart

Youth Group will be creating care packages for our graduated youth group members who are attending their first year in college.  Come with your ideas of what we should send.  We will also be be creating UU ideas cards.

Advisors: Desiree LeBoeuf and Carol Zimmerman