In Religious Education This Sunday 1.31.16

In religious education this Sunday, our children and youth will be hearing the story of an astronomer who loved to ask questions, creating an artistic representation to the story “Journey of the Birds”, creating cards for friends and members of our congregation who are ill, learning about the world’s largest religion and planning for their upcoming service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Esther Katz.

Our Nursery will be open and staffed by Linda Kenny and Anna Dickinson.

Spirit Play will hear the true story “Infinity of Questions” about a young girl named Maria who grows up to be an astronomer.

Teachers: Todd Moe, Eileen Wheeler

Signs of Our Faith will be considering the importance of communities to which they belong, especially their congregation. They will hear the story, “Journey of the Birds” and create an artistic representation of this story.  Details about this session

Teachers: Carol Gable, Becky VanDeWater

Toolbox of Faith will be putting their faith in action by creating cards for members and friends of our congregation who are unable to be with us on Sundays or who are ill, inspired by the personal expression lesson.  Details about this session

Teachers: Sally Hoose, Kelly Johnson-Eilola

Building Bridges will be introduces to Christianity, the largest religion in the world and with core teachings of love, faith, forgiveness and generosity.  Details about this session

Teachers: Karen Bage, Will Siegfried

Youth Group will be planning for their upcoming worship service.

Advisors: Dwight Stevenson, Richard Cook