In Religious Education 4.21.19

This Sunday our children and youth will explore Zen gardens, learn about the sculpture in the Lincoln Memorial, begin a service project and participate in church ministry. 

Acting DRE is Shelby Hunkins. 

RE Ambassador is Arthur Freeheart. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Kevin Ball and TBA. 

Spirit Play will will explore Zen gardens, a tradition from Zen Buddhism.  We can use these gardens to pray and meditate. 

Teachers: Margaret Harloe and Shelby Hunkins 

Spirit of Adventure will express themselves with a sculpting medium and learn about the UU Sculptor who crafted the Lincoln Memorial and The Minuteman. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will start working on their final project.  They are looking to help the Potsdam Humane Society. 

Teachers: Paul Siskind and Ruth Baltus 

Coming of Age will participate in church ministry.  They will attend worship or participate as a helper in religious education classes. 

Youth Group will participate in church ministry.  They will attend worship or participate as a helper in religious education classes.