In Religious Education 3.31.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about Passover, continue to explore the web of life, continue to explore climate change, and participate in church ministry. 

Acting DRE is Shelby Hunkins and RE Ambassador is Esther Katz. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Eden Terrell and Barbara Beekman. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Passover”, a source story about an Egyptian Pharaoh,  and his distrust of the Hebrew people and their escape from persecution. 

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Shelby Hunkins 

Spirit of Adventure will host visitors who share their love of the natural world.  Sheila Cerwonka will share her love for birds and Roger Hutchinson will share his love of trees. 

Teachers: Esther Oey and Becky VandeWater 

Maker Space will continue to explore the impact of climate change on our church community.  They will finalize plans for a proposal to build an enclosed backdoor entryway. 

Teachers: Susan Powers and Arthur Freeheart 

Coming of Age will participate in church ministry by attending worship or helping out in one of the religious education classrooms. 

Youth Group will participate in church ministry by attending worship or helping out in one of the religious education classrooms.