In Religious Education 3.26.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will hear a story about trees, explore the risk of change, create music with found objects, attend their final retreat and the youth group’s worship service and provide the worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is Arthur Freeheart.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Gwen Cunningham and Barb Beekman.

Spirit Play will hear the story “Planter of Trees”.  A violet promise story of an elder who was planting trees and asked a passerby for help.

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel and Tim Nolan

Our Caring Community will explore risking failure and change.  They will hear a story of someone who thinks they can’t draw, and play some risk taking games and more.

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker and Kathy Wyckoff

Maker Space will continue making music.  They will share lesson learned from carrying around trash for a day, begin creating music with objects they brought from their home trash and more.

Teachers: Carron Collins and Jim Williams

Coming of Age will be coming together for their final retreat on Saturday, March 25 at noon.  They will be exploring UU history, our local church history, attending a Catholic Mass and planning for their upcoming fundraising luncheon. On Sunday, they will be meeting with their mentors as well as attending the youth group worship service.

Teachers: Carol Zimmerman, Rhonda Rodriguez and Arthur Freeheart

Youth Group will be providing the worship service, “Through Our Eyes – Our 7 Principles and Technology”.