In Religious Education 3.12.17

In religious education this week, our children and youth will be hearing a story about a tailor who recycles, exploring responsible risk taking, adding to a website, contemplating life and death, and planning a worship service.

Our RE Ambassador for this Sunday is David Bradford.

Nursery will be open and staffed by Brook Stevenson and Barbara Beekman.

Spirit Play will be hearing the story “The Tailor”.  A violet principle story which reminds us to take care of our planet Earth and how this tailor uses his resources wisely.

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Tim Nolan

Our Caring Community will be exploring taking risks and how they can be good or bad.  They will be performing skits and hearing a story.

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker and Becky VandeWater

Maker Space will be adding content to their Makerspace website.  Please bring your laptops, tablets and phones to class.

Teachers: Ron Tavernier and Eileen Raymond

Coming of Age will be discussing life, death and the afterlife with their mentors.  The will discuss their beliefs about death and the hereafter as part of their theology.  Mentors will be joining the discussion.

Teachers: Julie VanDuyne and Pat Glover

Youth Group will be preparing for the upcoming worship service.  Please come with your ideas for music and possible readings.

Advisors: Carol Zimmerman and Dwight Stevenson