This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about the sun and moon, explore the world wide web, continue to explore winter ecology, plan a fundraiser and prepare for the Guest at Your Table program.
RE Ambassador is Esther Katz.
Nursery will be opened and staffed by Rachel Sturges and Barbara Beekman.
Spirit Play will hear the story “I Love You Sun, I Love You Moon”, a violet promise story which asks us to value our home, Earth, that we share with all living beings.
Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Jeff Rousell
Spirit of Adventure will continue to explore science. We will explore the innards of computers, electronics and machines and learn about Unitarian Universalist Tim Berners-Lee, “The Father of the World Wide Web.”
Teachers: Eileen Wheeler and Pete Beekman
Maker Space will continue learning about winter ecology. We will learn how humans adapt to the cold weather and build a snow shelter.
Teachers: David Bradford and Miles Manchester
Coming of Age will plan for the upcoming fundraiser to support their trip to Boston.
Teachers: Karen Bage and TBA
Youth Group will prepare for distributing Guest at Your Table materials to the congregation.
Advisors: Julie VanDuyne and Carol Zimmerman