In Religious Education 2.10.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about butterflies, search for treasure, explore the impacts of climate change, host a fundraising bake sale and participate in church ministry. 

Acting DRE is Wil Rivers and RE Ambassador is Ron Tavernier. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Eden Terrell and Kiley Frank. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “Butterfly Friends”, a German folktale about fear of differences and acts of kindness. 

Teachers: Sharon Tavernier and Jeff Rousell 

Spirit of Adventure will hold a treasure hunt and hear about Unitarian N.C. Wyeth, illustrator of “Treasure Island” and other classic children’s tales. 

Teachers: Heather Rousell and Pete Beekman 

Maker Space will begin exploring climate change.  We identify ways our faith calls us to act in response to this devastating issue. 

Teachers: Susan Powers and Arthur Freeheart 

Coming of Age will host a fundraising bake sale during social hour.  Each youth will bring (2) different baked goods to sell to raise funds for their trip to Boston. 

Teachers: All available teachers, assistants and mentors 

Youth Group will participate in church ministry by assisting in a younger grade RE class or joining the worship service.