In Religious Education 12.2.18

This Sunday our children and youth will hear the story of a woman preparing for a birth, celebrating Hanukkah, painting the Lights on the River display, exploring  the idea of good and evil and discussing Guest at Your Table. 

RE Ambassador is TBA. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Kevin Ball and Sara Hutcheson. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Legend of Old Befana.”  A story of an elder woman and three kings in search of a child.  

Teachers: Cara Coffin and Rebecca Pickens 

Spirit of Adventure will explore Hanukkah.  We will by the dreidel game and learn about the eight candles. 

Teachers: Ashley Clover and Eileen Raymond 

Maker Space will begin painting the Lights on the River display. 

Teachers: Pete Wyckoff and Pat Glover 

Coming of Age will be joined by their mentors and explore the ideas of good and evil. 

Teachers: Karen Bage and Rajiv Narula 

Youth Group will be explore the UUSC – Unitarian Universalist Service Committee and it’s Guest at Your Table program.  We will decide if the youth group wants to implement this program for the congregation. 

Advisors: Danny Thomas and Julie VanDuyne