In Religious Education 11.18.18

This Sunday our children and youth will explore puppet theater, hear from a food specialist, continue designing a display for Lights on the River and participate in church ministry. 

RE Ambassador is Ron Tavernier. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Katie Boczarski and Will Siegfried. 

Spirit Play will will experience Puppet Theater.  They will be reminded of our 7 promises and how we live in community. 

Teachers: Cara Coffin and Rebecca Pickens 

Spirit of Adventure will continue exploring food.  We will play a fun game and hear from a visitor who specializes in food. 

Teachers: Jenn Whittaker and Eileen Raymond 

Maker Space will continue designing and creating a display for Lights on the River in Lisbon, NY.  We will be making template for the designs we have created. 

Teachers: Pete Wyckoff and Pat Glover 

Coming of Age will participate in church ministry by attending worship or spending time downstairs with the younger classes. 

Youth Group will participate in church ministry by attending worship or spending time downstairs with the younger classes.