In Religious Education 1.6.19

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about God’s house, consider inventions, explore winter ecology, explore Coming of Age traditions from around the world and prepare for the Guest at Your Table program. 

RE Ambassador is Esther Katz. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Jennifer Sorensen and Kevin Ball. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “House of God.”   A story about sacred spaces. 

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel and Lois Cutter 

Spirit of Adventure will explore Science.  We will celebrate the inventive spirit and learn about Unitarian Alexander Graham Bell. 

Teachers: Eileen Wheeler and Eileen Raymond 

Maker Space will begin learning about winter ecology.  We will explore the science of snowflakes and create our own. 

Teachers: David Bradford and Ruth Baltus 

Coming of Age will explore Coming of Age traditions from around the world and prepare for their next retreat. 

Teachers: Rajiv Narula and Helen Hutchinson 

Youth Group will be making preparations for the UUSC’s Guest at Your Table program.   

Advisors: Danny Thomas and Leo Burger