In Religious Education 1.20.19

All RE classes for this Sunday, January 20 are cancelled due to the weather.

This Sunday our children and youth will hear a story about a lazy bear, enjoy a take-apart party, continue to explore winter ecology, and participate in church ministry. 

Acting DRE is ???? and RE Ambassador is Shelby Hunkins. 

Nursery will be opened and staffed by Kathy Wyckoff and Barbara Beekman. 

Spirit Play will hear the story “The Lazy Bear,” about a bear who learns a lesson from his friends. 

Teachers: Sarah Bentley-Garfinkel and Jeff Rousell 

Spirit of Adventure will continue to explore science.  We will explore the innards of computers, electronics and machines and learn about Unitarian Universalist Tim Berners-Lee, “The Father of the World Wide Web.” 

Teachers: Eileen Wheeler and Pete Beekman 

Maker Space will continue learning about winter ecology.  We will learn how animals adapt to the winter environment. 

Teachers: David Bradford and Ruth Baltus 

Coming of Age will participate in church ministry by attending worship or helping out in the religious education program. 

Youth Group will be participating in church ministry by attending worship or helping out in the religious education program.