In RE This Sunday – 11-1-15

RE Ambassador: Esther Katz

Nursery: Kevin Ball, Emma Bentley-Hicks

Spirit Play will hear the story “Hide and Seek with God,” a story of the great mysteries in life.
Teachers: Ron Tavernier, Lois Cutter

Signs of Our Faith will discover there can be multiple answers to big questions through exploring prayer and meditation. They will add an emblem to their stoles.
Teachers: Leo Burger, Jim Rudd
Details about this session

Toolbox of Faith will reflect on the directional compass as a symbol for our inner moral compass.
Teachers: Sally Hoose, Carol Pynchon
Details about this session 

Building Bridges will be hearing from a guest speaker on Haudenosaunee.
Teachers: Rhonda Rodriguez, Will Siegfried

Youth Group will be hosting a Day of the Dead breakfast and completing the Search Committee’s online Congregational Survey, with members of the Search Committee.
Teachers: Carol Zimmerman, Wendy Bachhuber

Fire Drill

We will be exiting the building around 11:30 a.m., immediately following the end of the service. Children and youth will meet their families at their appointed outdoor locations.